Million Heart Collective
Become a part of the Solution (literally!)

Join a nationwide program led by doctors, scientists and regular people who have all been touched by heart disease.

The Million Heart Collective is becoming the World’s largest collection of heart sounds - sounds that will change how we detect heart disease everywhere.

Count Me In
What is the Million Heart Collective about?
It’s about people who have been touched by heart disease, people who have lost loved ones, and people who just want to make things better. MHC is quickly becoming the world’s largest cardiac data initiative, and your stories and your heart sounds will make a direct impact on saving lives.
Heart records
already collected
Your Heart Sound is the Key
Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the number one killers in the world. We are close to having a practical, inexpensive way to help detect heart problems early, even at home. Doctors and data scientists are training AI to listen to hearts and detect problems that often go missed. By donating the recorded sound of your heart, you become part of building a system that will help millions of people at home and around the world.
Count Me In
Taking Part is Easy and Exciting
For participating, you’ll get a free copy of Stethophone – it’s the first FDA cleared medical application for your iPhone that records accurate heart sounds. Your data will be used by scientists and researchers to perfect cardiac disease detection by teaching the world’s mobile devices to listen for heart problems.
Tell us about yourself
This short survey has been designed to ensure your heart sounds are used to their full potential to help detect disease, if you consent to us using your heart data for this purpose.
Record your heart
We will provide you with a free download of Stethophone. Follow the instructions and record your heart – and keep the application for your own use for free for the full year! This is your opportunity to experience the beginning of the Stethophone era.
Be a part of history
As the project progresses, we will provide you with updates on new breakthroughs, how your contribution is being used, and how many people you have helped. Along with others touched by heart disease, you will be a part of the solution – a part of history
It’s Time to Act
The technology is in place and the science is well understood. We have a unique chance to empower everyone, everywhere to conveniently access immediate medical-grade assessments of how their hearts are working. This is critical to anyone who has ever felt symptoms come and go, or is concerned about their heart or that of a loved one.

Start Here

To be eligible for this collective  you must:
  • Be 22 years old or older
  • Reside in the United States
  • Not have previously participated in this collective
  • Not have implantable defibrillators, damaged skin (open wounds or lesions) at the sites on the chest where the iPhone will be placed
  • Not be undergoing any treatment to help restore normal heart rhythm
  • Have a US App Store account
  • Have one of the following iPhone models: 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XS Max, XR, SE 2nd generation, 11, 11 Pro, 11 Pro Max, 12, 12 Pro, 12 Mini, 12 Pro Max, 13 mini, 13, 13 Pro, 13 Pro Max, SE 3rd generation, 14, 14 Plus, 14 Pro, 14 Pro Max, 15, 15 Plus, 15 Pro, 15 Pro Max, 16, 16 Plus, 16 Pro, 16 Pro Max
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