Welcome to Stethophone

The regulation of medical devices is specific to each country. Currently different versions of Stethophone are recognized as a medical device in the USA, Canada and Ukraine. This means that Stethophone is available for residence of these countries. We are working on offering Stethophone in more countries in the future. The available version of Stethophone may differ from country to country.

Please select a country of your residence to learn about the version of Stethophone available for you.

Breath sounds
Mar 13, 2021

These sounds, when emanating from another location, can be an indicator of a lung issue

Bronchial breath sounds are loud, harsh breathing sounds with a midrange pitch (300 to 600hz). They are normal when occurring over the trachea during exhalation. These sounds, when emanating from another location, can be an indicator of a lung issue.  There are three types of abnormal bronchial breath sounds:

Tubular breath sounds are a high pitched  (600 to 1,200 Hz) bronchial breath sound. Some common conditions that produce these are:

  • Atelectasis: Partial or total collapse of a lung
  • Consolidation:  Air spaces within the lungs fill with liquid
  • Pleural effusion:  A buildup of fluid in the tissue  surrounding the lungs
  • Pulmonary fibrosis:  Damage and scarring of the lung tissue
  • Mediastinal tumor: A tumour in the area of the chest in between the lungs

Cavernous breath sounds are low pitched (100 to 300 Hz) bronchial breath sounds. Common conditions generating these are:

  • Lung damage from bronchiectasis
  • A lung abscess
  • Cancerous changes

Amphoric respiration is a type of abnormal bronchial breathing that creates a strong reverberating sound with high pitched overtones. it is an indication of a cavity, cyst, bleb, or other air-containing space in the lung communicating with the bronchial system

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