Welcome to Stethophone

The regulation of medical devices is specific to each country. Currently different versions of Stethophone are recognized as a medical device in the USA, Canada and Ukraine. This means that Stethophone is available for residence of these countries. We are working on offering Stethophone in more countries in the future.

Please select a country of your residence to learn about the version of Stethophone available for you.

Feedback from the field
Feb 12, 2024

Stethophone is not just a better version of the stethoscope; it’s a conceptually new solution for both doctors and patients.

What’s did you find most valuable about StethophoneTM?

Dr. Satenik Rustamyan – cardiologist and new Stethophone user: I can both hear and see sounds that I would have missed with standard methods. With Stethophone, it’s much easier to catch an extrasystole or determine valve insufficiency in the absence of sounds during traditional auscultation.

The ability to save data is invaluable. A doctor always thinks about their patient, even outside of appointments. And the Stethophone provides the opportunity to reflect further with a solid foundation on objective auscultation data. This is an opportunity that doctors previously didn’t fundamentally have. So, Stethophone is not just a better version of the stethoscope; it’s a conceptually new solution for both doctors and patients.

Another advantage for me, as an educator, is being able to gather several cases from patients with a certain type of cardiac pathology and share and demonstrate them all to medical students. This offers an incomparably deeper understanding of the learning material and a stunning clarity that is unachievable with the classical approach of auscultating and hearing only in real-time.

What about the patient reactions?

Patients get engaged in a way I have never seen before, “So that’s what my arrhythmia sounds like!” I can also find a segments of regular rhythm and visually demonstrate “how it should be.” All of this ensures better patient contact and more successful compliance.

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